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Based on a world-wide recognized Banking Application Architecture from IBM we can mediate proven solutions - combined with qualified professional services. 

Are you looking for a solution, since ..  

  • IT wants to reduce the cost of IS-development? 
  • you have a need to develop / redesign a large application?
  • IT is planning to implement an overall architecture?
      Information FrameWork (IFW) 
      Business Models + - Tools 


  • business is not getting the information it requires to make decisions?
  • there is a significant data duplication in current systems?
Banking Data Warehouse 
  • you are undertaking a Business Process Re-Engineering?
  • you have to deal with a merger situation?
Banking Process Warehouse 
      - Critical Business Processes 

For more information we are happy to consult you. 

To the start


These pages are © 1997-2020 Copyright H.-D. Lemburg Banking Solutions Agency
For further information please contact
H.-D. Lemburg.
Address: Pastor-Löh-Str. 48, 40764 Langenfeld, Germany
Tel. +49(0) 2173 979944, Fax +49(0) 2173 979946
Last change on: 2020-03-11
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